Now I have the appointment for my next tattoo will be more elaborate than the previous ones, with a meaning quite different from the other two and that will be a symbol of a new stage in my life, seven years later I realize that everything continues and things do not improve by the fact mortified. In a couple of weeks may see it.
Now what has me thinking is the location, not where them myself, it works better on the upper back, centered, but I have one there, I would also like the ribs but I have one there, so I think what makes me in the chest, right in the middle, the same location from which you see in this picture. I know it will hurt a lot, but I sense there on the matter ... do not know, I have not yet clearly defined whether it will be there, I think I have to think much in the next, if I want more I use sites that do not interfere with what I can plan or want in the future, I think I'm encountering one problem that I had never discussed about tattoos, location, there comes a time when the sites we like or body parts we want and we can show you just ...