In my opinion one of the things that makes changes body in general a good thing for people is the fact that it is a way to be good about ourselves. It is very common not to feel one hundred percent comfortable with what we have, with the body that nature gives us, many people have a very particular way of thinking, everyone sees the world differently and for some of us the need to see us different is imperative. If you are happy with what we see when we look in the mirror no problem and no matter what anyone says, this is the eternal pursuit of happiness, for many, the appearance is part of that happiness and I think it's wrong If we do make us feel comfortable and not hurt anyone else in the process will be fine and no one should worry prohibit or halt the changes we made.
also is a spiritual process, and to feel empowered. The body is the only thing we have, the only thing that is really ours and nobody is going away ever, since the day we are born until the day we die, control and change it to our taste is something that gives us power, take control of the most precious and delicate that we have in the world can be a very good experience, adorn this temple to our taste or completion is quite inetresante. We are the only species animal that has the power of analyzing the fomra it looks and change, we are the only creatures that can adapt our body to feel more comfortable with him or to get things we want to do.
In the process of modifying our body always comes into play our ego, either to look better and attract the attention of other people or to test our own limits, knowing how far we can go, prove that there is nothing we can not do. For most of them are crazy, all I can say to those people that nobody will ever have the authority to judge others and say what is or is not right to change our bodies, how we look, interact, we communicate and feel is personal and should be respected but not share this kind of ideal. The body modifciones change daily life for many and as much physical as psychological and spiritual.
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