Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mount And Blade Egyptian Mods


Stéphane Sanseverino was born on January 1, 1962 in Paris, but its origins are Italian, their grandparents were from Naples and settled in France in the 50's. At first his father worked as a plumber but, being Stéphane still a child decided to switch to a paper company to travel the world with his family. So the small Stephanito spent from 3 to 16 years traveling in Bulgaria, New Zealand, Mexico, Romania ... and discovering new cultures and new music. His passion for gypsy music comes from then, and his admiration for Django Reinhardt, hearing him and then Jimi Hendrix born her love of guitar, learning to play by himself and the banjo . Back in France, after many trips with his family, and a somewhat chaotic school career, Stéphane began studying cooking in the hotel school at age 16. Also fond of the practice of some sports such as hockey and cycling. Around 20 years gives the theater, taking various courses at private schools like Serge Philippe Martin and Hottie and eventually enrolled in the "DAL Théâtre" where comedy is concerned with art and clowns. It is part of several groups, some with touches circus and others who practice street theater. Gets to have his own company, L is frères Tamouille with serving for four years on the streets, in small venues and festivals.

continues its interest in music, apart from his taste for the music of Django Reinhardt and Jimi Hendrix are attracted by the Satellites, Bérurier Noir, AC / DC , the music of this, the Pakistani the country or the French musette. It is part of several bands, the first called Dans l'intérêt des familles (In the interests of families), then L is maris come jaloux (The jealous husbands) or Doc Denat, but not start to be known until the mid-90's, part of Les Voleurs of Poules (Los Ladrones de Gallinas) referring to the bad reputation of gypsies, who feels so close. The musical influences of the group, precisely, ranging from gypsy airs to the old songs of the years 20 to 50. His first self-produced album is titled Tu sens poivrons them (You smell like peppers). Sanseverino in 1999 left the group and begins preparing his first solo album, L and Tango des gens (The Tango of the People), published on 25 September 2001. An album that is rewarded with the prize of the Academy Charles Cros and getting a Gold Record. Here you can listen to the album's title track.

Following the publication of this first tour undertaken Sanseverino Tété, with him traveling throughout France and parts of Switzerland. The tour ends in December 2002 at the Trianon in Paris with a show called Nuit Sanseverino in which, besides Tété participate and Bernard Lavilliers La Grande Sophie . Thanks to this successful shift Sanseverino is rewarded in 2003 with a Victoire de la Musique as Artist in Scene.
In 2004 he published Les Senegalese (The Senegalese), an album that once again we encounter the caustic tone of its letters, the stamp of his guitars and swinging manches. On stage is accompanied by part of his musicians, lamps and Oriental rugs that create a unique atmosphere. At the end we offer the translation of the title track to the second work of Stéphane Sanseverino and now you can hear it in the next video.

The following year, 2005, I get a DVD, followed by another CD, a collection of live performance theater in Sebastopol, Sebastopol Live au Théâtre, which includes some unreleased tracks. In 2006 participates in Le Soldat Rose , a musical for children created by Louis Chedid that we saw in the theater and also appeared in CD format. Sanseverino in cinema has also had some incursions in front and behind the camera, in short and long acting, or giving voice to several animated characters as Kulka, film U , for which he also composed the soundtrack.

In late 2006 he published his third album Exactement (exactly) for the recording of which Sanseverino has had a Big Band in full, it merge rock and roll, jazz, swing and a sense of humor. In November 2008, shows a double album recorded live Sanseverino aux Bouffes du Nord. Stéphane few months before had received the distinction of Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres. Finally, on November 2, 2009 published a new album, Les Faux Talbins (The fake "talbins" slang something like counterfeits), the album is full of terms related to the criminal underworld, as it is a kind of homage to gangster movies of the 50's. In the latter work belongs Sanseverino "Tu n'en as plus rien à foutre de moi" (I give a damn) whose video you can see and listen will al siguiente enlace.

You do not have anything to fuck me

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Sanseverino - "The Senegalese" From the album
The Senegalese (2004)

One day I was flying under a false name

For more discretion,
I was a little late

For reasons I will explain later,
Hidden in the crowd
Camouflaged in a full houndstooth
I ship with my briefcase
For a secret destination.

I do not say what country
But I'm sure you understand,
The mission is not easy
But it can also cost me my life,
The secret diplomatic
And neocolonial relations,
are scrambled and it complicates
international policy.

"This mission should you accept
Do not have difficulties with the President
Infiltrate And
photograph documents.
From routine, routine ...
If I had not been the lover
From the wife of an officer,
Its Fatou and her secretary ...

"You're a bad lover ..." With my costume

I walk with boots on eggshells,

A case in Istanbul was far less and less
Here women know me, I spend more
an idiot
Party without leaving an address: The
the heart of artichoke

... I like the Senegalese ... (X 2)

My position is not easy:
double agent and mercenary
But it is less difficult than the missionary
At any time, any moment By my mistresses
All my movements are watched
And my hands are tied by Senegalese

On appeal it was too, too many secrets

On the pillow,
eventually lead me
In an undisclosed location ...
But I figured it out quickly,
You think I'm in the art,
I do not say anything right away,
We'll see when I get back ... Like the Senegalese

... (X4)

"I want to talk to my ambassador!
Leave me alone!
I am a French citizen! "

Sanseverino - "The Senegalese" the album
Senegalese Les (2004)

One day he caught the plane
under a false name for privacy
was a little late for

reasons I will explain later, the crowd

invisible camouflaged in a duck suit cock, with my briefcase

embarkation to a secret destination.

not say the name of the country
but I'm sure you guessed.
The mission is not easy
and may cost me my life. The secret diplomatic

and relationships neo
are at odds and that complicates
international politics.

"If you accept this mission entails no difficulties
must infiltrate the home of President
and photograph some documents."
Yes, yes, mere routine
if it was not the lover's wife
an official
his wife and his secretary ...

"You're a bad lover ..."

With my houndstooth suit and my boots I
walking on eggs.
A case in Istanbul

far had been less and less dangerous.
Women here know me and I do not
taken by an idiot that has been
while one direction: white
inconstant in love.

I like the Senegalese ...

My position is not easy:
double agent and mercenary, but it is less difficult

that the missionary.
At every moment, at any second, I watched my lovers

all my gestures and my hands are tied by Senegalese

Having seduced too dear and too much confidence

on the pillow at the end

led me to a secret location.
I understood everything quickly.
You know, I have job.
But I did not immediately
we'll see when I come back

I like the Senegalese

"I talk to my ambassador!
Leave me alone! I am a French citizen
! "


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