
basic game rules are relatively straightforward, although there are some specific specific situations.

's basically hit the ball or baseball as hard and placed as possible, although some big plays as the "bunt" in areas of southern English "dab" (hit the ball soft makes little progress). And that aims to get runners on base that are positioned closer to scoring a run, can produce very positive moves to attack the offensive team. If the "bunt" or "dab" leaves the playing area when the count the batter has two strikes this will be taken as a rule out.
The pitcher has four possible releases wrong, that allow the hitter to advance to first base while the batter (the other team) has three failures to hit before being eliminated. If the pitcher throws bad the fourth time the batter gets a base without hitting the ball. Whereas if the batter fails for the third time a ball or attempt good batting, he is eliminated ("struck"). That count batting pitches and bad is called "account."

If the batter gets hit the ball or baseball, there are basically four possibilities:
1. If the ball touches the ground before any defensive player catches it, and the batter fails to reach first base before the defenders get to play with the ball or stepping on first base (out) is called "Simple." If the batter gets to second base to reach without the defensive team commits an error, is called "double", if it comes to third base (without error protection) is called "Triple", and if it home (without error protection) is called "Foursquare"
2. If the ball is caught in the air without touching the ground by a defensive player, the batter is out. If the ball is in the field, has to run, can not wait to see if the hit is bad.
3. If the ball is hit but is outside the lateral limits of the playing area is "foul." In this case the batter will be added into your "account" a strike, if your account has less than two strikes, but if the batter is "count" 2 strikes and hits a foul, it will continue hitting without being out (eliminated) . Now if the ball was outside the lateral limits of the playing area, but a defensive player would catch the air (even if outside the lateral limits of the playing area), the batter would also eliminated.
4. If the ball goes flying over the bottom boundary of the playing area is a home run or homer, "English" homerun "- that is, the batter goes around the table until you reach home and score a career. If you also had some of his colleagues on the bases, they also run to the plate and score runs, one for each player present on base and one that scores the batter.

If you get a home run with three players occupying the first, second and third base, ie, below "full", called "grand slam" and 4 runs scored.
For the launch of the pitcher is good must go over the "home" to the height determined from the armpits to the knees of the batter. If the launch does not meet these requirements the "umpire" (referee) called "ball."
There is no specific duration for a meeting, it concludes at the end of nine innings (equivalent to twenty-seven deletions or outs per team), unless there is a tie, forcing extra innings to continue or to extra innings as to secure a playoff.
Referees called "Umpires" plate umpire is positioned behind home plate and batter's box, and decides whether the releases are good (strikes) or bad (balls). The plate umpire may consult located along the lines of lime first and third if the batter went the bat through the line without hitting the ball. The umpire will decide if it is (strike) or not (in which case it may be ball or strike without batting effort). The referees at the grassroots have to decide if the offensive player reached base with any part of the body before being put out (not set) or not, in which case it is on that basis. The umpires' decisions are final. Since baseball is a sport where the spectators are very knowledgeable of both the rules and the moves, the response of the audience can be an excellent confirmation or rejection of the decisions of the arbitrators.
The umpires can deciding whether the process of a move is made based on the rules or not (for example, when deciding whether a ball hit out of the area "home run" or left by one side of "foul"). The umpires can also warn players of serious actions that endanger others, being able to eject the game the player or players with misconduct recidivism. They can also expel the "coaches" or coaches who display inappropriate behavior in the field or disrespectful conduct towards them "umpires."
A player sent off is always replaced by another. The party always has to play with the players total.

Ball Baseball: Its circumference is 9 inches (22.5 centimeters) and no more than 9 1 / 4 inches (24 centimeters) and 5 ounces (142 g) in weight, some of these balls can be used in Little League. The construction varies, usually the core of the ball is made of cork, rubber, or a mixture of both, and can sometimes consist of several layers. All around are coiled strips of various materials including yarn and twine, wool can be used occasionally. Finally has a leather cover, in two parts, which are sewn together at seams 108 cotton waxed red thread.

Shoes: to play baseball shoes are called "spikes." The main thing is to choose shoes that are comfortable. This means that you can run all the movements without pain, discomfort or concern.

major league players have the ability to have several pairs of shoes, one for batting practice, one only for official games for synthetic grass, etc. If this is not the case is important to focus on particular needs. If the player is fast running the bases, your shoes should be light.
If it's a good hitter reeds look shoes better support when making the "swine" in the homeplate. The pitcher needs a durable shoe rubbing the tip when removing the foot of the gum. There is now a special protection that is placed on the tip of the shoe. Some pitchers use a pair of shoes to launch and another when they play in another position of the field. Finally, baseball shoes must be kept clean and dry. After each game, especially when played on a field wet-cleaned shoes with a towel and try to remove all dust and moisture as possible.
Gloves: Like shoes, there are many types of gloves, this attachment is perhaps the most important and expensive. Despite that the initial cost of a good glove can be costly, should be considered to last for long, if it looks good.
is convenient to buy a glove, a brand known and trusted. The best-known manufacturers of gloves are Rawling, Mizuno, Wilson, etc. It should be very careful if you buy a glove of a mark which has never been heard since a lower cost glove can be made of inferior leather.

What gloves should I use? If playing in the infield (2 nd base, 3 rd base, shortstop) find a small one with the basket strong, so quickly get the ball on any play. If playing in the outfield (gardener) you can use a larger glove, but must be sure that it is still manageable: there are some outfields gloves that are too large, and it is difficult to get the ball quickly.
the case of the pitcher, you need a glove large enough to conceal the shooting. Care should be taken not to buy one too small. Remember that once the launch, it immediately becomes another player in the infield. First baseman
need a glove that can open and close quickly. The catcher, you need a relatively lightweight glove.
Bate: The first thing you will hear of a coach is to be searched a bat that is fair to the player. We will try to be a bit more specific with this statement.
The best bat is the one that fits the personality and needs of the player. Before choosing a bat must decide whether it will be a home run hitter, a contact hitiador a toilet ball, line drive hitter or power hitter. The coach can help you decide this. Length and weight
: Usually in new players there is confusion, for some reason assume that the larger and heavier bat is the one that will have more power. The reality is that power is generated by hitting the swing speed, not size or weight of the bat.

versus Aluminum: The differences between an aluminum bat and a wood are often exaggerated. In the major leagues and increasingly, in other leagues are using the wood bat. The use of aluminum bats in amateur sport practice is simply due to economic reasons. A wooden bat is cheaper but can break a season of 6 to 7 bats, however the aluminum will last several seasons. The best known brands of bats are Easton, Rawlings, Adirondack, etc.
What's New in bats: Manufacturers are constantly experimenting with new materials to make bats more durable. Some are made with a ceramic alloy; others are mixtures of various chemical components. Some are designed to be durable and look really like a wooden bat. One of the most popular (and successful) bat made of chemical compounds manufactured by the "Baum Company. Many professional teams use the Baum bats for batting practice because they rarely break. Baum bat bat looks like a dark wood, and even sounds like one when it hits the ball. The only difference is that the Baum bat is a bit heavier than the standard wooden bat. Do not be surprised if in the future this kind of start to use bats in amateur baseball. Accessories
Weight (ring batting or thread): This ring-shaped weight is placed on the bat to strengthen the wrists. This works simply: the strongest 'arms, best bat muscle and tendon just before the elbow are unusually large because the players have strengthened their wrists.

Batting Tee: Using Bating -tee is ideal to remove any imperfections or unwanted movement in the batting. It also has the advantage that can be used in a confined space.

hitting mitts: is becoming more common to use mitts to protect hands from blisters and calluses produced by rubbing with the bat. In the wood bats, the mitts provide better grip, which is not required on aluminum bats because they have a grip on the handle.

Uniform: For athletes, the uniform is very important because it symbolizes what is good enough to belong to a team.

· T: addition to the shirt look good, you should be comfortable enough to catch, throw and bat without discomfort.

· PANTS: style baseball pants has changed dramatically in the last decade. Some players still prefer the pants that come just below the knee. Most players are wearing long pants that reach the shoe.
Although the length of trousers is a personal decision, there are some coaches who prefer that the whole team look the same way.

· Hoodie: Many players wear this shirt under his uniform to keep the body warm during the game. ·

· Jacket: The jacket is used basically by pitchers, who believe that his jacket is as important as his glove or spikes. No matter how hot does, all pitchers must wear jacket either in training games. No jacket arm cools rapidly. Even on hot days, this cooling begins as soon sit in the dugout.

slides: No matter how good the player stealing bases or rolling, at some point in the season during a scrape legs slid hard.

· Protector genital : This is the most important piece of the uniform. Many players do not like using protection. But they should use them because a blow to the genital area is not only extremely painful but it also very dangerous. This protection must be worn by all players, but especially by the catcher.

uniform accessories:
° slowly sun: should be special for athletes, strong and tight enough to not fall running.

· batting helmet: should fit well but not too tight. The ideal is to have a helmet that is itself accurate measurement, but often do not. Beware of the town! Many hitters after being put out throwing and kicking its hooves, should remember that the play equipment is not cheap and broken a helmet can be very dangerous.

Team Catcher: The catcher is
field position which can cause more injuries. The catcher must take care of your clothes, because she will care.

· Mask or mask: should fit well, before the parties adjust all straps until comfortable. The mask should always have a throat protector.

· Peto or coveralls: should not be too large to make the release the bases.

· Legs or shin: should cover the entire leg, and should be able to run without problems with them (eg when running at first to cover the base)

source: wikipedia

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