See also http://dihargentina.

When getting a better body, all looking for a shortcut. Some buy steroids on the black market, but most want to find a safer and smarter way to gain muscle. Well, I've found her, is to train the fast twitch fibers. Is the factor that will help you gain size and strength and even burn fat. But before I reveal the secret, let's get one thing clear: there is nothing that can help to increase the amount of fast twitch fibers you have. That is genetic. But what you can do is take advantage of that fate has given you. Follow my advice and gain more muscle than it now same can imagine. And the best thing in a very short time.
Test your fast-twitch fibers
fast-twitch fibers can be activated in two ways: lifting heavy loads or lifting light loads very quickly. Do the following test to determine your share of fast-twitch fibers. The result will tell you how you should train to progress faster.
Step 1 Find out what your one rep max bench press and then rest for 5 minutes.
How to calculate the maximum repetition?
first thing is to ask someone to help you. Start half the maximum weight you think you can lift once (so-called repetition maximum or 1 RM). Make 5 or 6 reps with flawless execution. Then put 10% more weight but make a repeat less. Rest for 2 minutes. Repeat this procedure until you do 1 repetition with approximately 90% of estimated 1RM. Lies between 3 and 5 minutes and tries to make the estimated maximum repetition. If you do, is that this is your true 1RM. If you do not, use 90% of that weight, if this is too easy, add 10% to your estimated 1RM.
Step 2 Choose a weight that is 45% of your one rep max (If your maximum is 90 kg, start with 40 kilos approx.). Try to do 5 reps in 5 seconds. Step 3
If successful, lies between 1 and 2 minutes and repeat the test, this time charging between 5 and 10% more weight. Continues to increase between 5 and 10% until they can not do 5 reps in 5 seconds.
Step 4 Calculate your fast twitch fibers: divide the weight you have lifted up in 5 seconds by the maximum repetition. If you have set up 60 kilos in 5 'and your maximum is 100, have a proportion of 60%.
Training Plan Now that you know your ratio of fibers fast twitch, choose one of the following training routines and make it at least twice a week, never on consecutive days. Alternate between exercises the same number (1A and 1B, for example) to complete all sets of each match. Then go to the next exercise. Take a weight you can do at least the minimum number of repetitions indicated.
If your ratio of fast twitch fibers is 60% or more.
hypertrophy and strength training.
bench press bar
Lie on your back on the bench and grab the bar with palms facing forward and hands a little further apart than shoulder width. Hold the bar above the sternum with arms outstretched. Lower the bar for a moment and upload it again in a straight line to the starting position. Rowing
high pulley with the trunk reclined
Sit in this machine and grab the bar with your hands shoulder width, palms below. Lean back at an angle 300 with the ground. Without moving the trunk, pull the bar to your chest. For a moment and returns to the starting position.
Press Incline Dumbbell Sets
bank 300. Lie on your back and hold the dumbbells above your shoulders with arms extended. Put it down to his shoulders. For and returns to the position. Remo
Take two dumbbells, bend your legs and bend at the waist, parallel to the ground. Let your arms hang down, palms facing backward and the weights in the vertical shoulders. Bend your elbows and up the dumbbells at sides. For an instant and lower them again. Pulley to
face a rope to the high pulley of a cable station and grab one end in each hand. Step back a few steps until you have your arms extended. Open your arms and bend elbows to pull the center of the rope in the direction of the eyes, so that your hands finish line with your ears. Stop and return to the starting position.
Bench Press
ongoing effort can do 5 reps in 5.'' Then add 5-10% more weight and try to do 5 reps of 6.'' Rest and continues to add between 5 and 10% more weight until you can not make the 5 replicates at 6.''
effort invested Remo Place
progressive rod holding shoulders with palms facing forward. Stay hanging with arms outstretched and heels on a bench. Board scapulae and chest up to the bar. For a moment, and low. Do 5 reps in 5.'' Make the same number of sets in the bench press progressive effort. Abduction
dumbbell in the plane of the scapula
Stand, holding a pair of dumbbells by your sides with arms outstretched, palms facing each other and elbows bent. Raise your arms at an angle of 30 degrees with the body (forming a Y) to reach the shoulder height. For a moment, slowly lower to the starting position.
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