Mr. Joel Cody
Pennsylvania (USA) Regional Coordinator - International Day for the 2011 Man of
E-Mail: joelcody@hotmail.com
PHILADELPHIA, PA (USA .) - The Coordination Committee International Men's Day has accepted Mr. Joel Cody to serve as the coordinator of Pennsylvania (USA) International Day for the 2011 Men's (www. international-man-day.com) to be held on Saturday, November 19, 2011, under the slogan "give children the best possible start in life" in more than 40 countries worldwide. International Day celebrates and honors the selfless sacrifices and contributions that men make to our families, communities and society. enjoys a 48-hour partnership with Universal Children's Day is observed worldwide on 20 November each year and is approved by the United Nations.
Mr. Cody is a publicist and professional composer, who has agreed to be the contact for persons and organizations throughout the State of Pennsylvania interested in raising awareness and participation in the 2011 global celebration of the Day International men. Cody has also been selected to serve as the Regional Coordinator for the National Day of Man, 2011. will help the regional coordinators of the United States in expanding outreach for the International Day of Man 2011 to cities and communities through their respective states.
World and regional coordinators for the International Day of 2011, have identified five areas that individuals and organizations who want to share and give children and youth the best possible start in life can focus on:
. HEALTH AND LIFE EXPECTANCY : Why do children around the world are more likely to die before their fifth birthday and why children in every continent expect a much shorter life than girls ? What are the reasons for an increased likelihood that a teen suicide? What can we do to give children and youth the best possible start in life and help you live longer, happier and healthier?
. SPECIAL EDUCATION: Why children in the poorest countries rich and poor performance (and girls too) are less likely to have an education, and why are tens of millions of children in the poorest countries still unable to complete primary education? How can we tackle truancy and literacy rates of the poor that leaves young people exposed to unemployment as adults and ending substance abuse, obesity, depression and poverty? What can we do to focus on the education of boys in the way that gives them the best possible start in life and closes the gap between boys and girls and the young rich and young poor?
. Tolerance of Violence: Why are we so tolerant of violence and abuse against men, youth and children and why do we tolerate a world in which to send the young to fight wars adults? What actions can we take to help children grow up free from violence and challenge our collective tolerance and support of violence against men, youth and children?
. PATERNITY RIGHTS: How can we give young men the right to family life given the same opportunity to learn and experience both her father and mother and his future role as father is just a function of a young woman as the mother of the future. What actions can we take to give every young man has an equal right to parenthood?
. REAL LIFE OPTIONS: How can we ensure that every child and young man has a chance to make a series of positive life choices in terms of work, family and leisure, and reduce the number of male children and youth whose life gives you limited options and end up poor, illiterate, unemployed, homeless , imprisoned and isolated? What actions can we do to help each child receives the best possible start in life and make a young man has a positive transition to the world a better place for everyone?
Individuals and Organizations throughout the State of Pennsylvania interested in raising awareness and participation in the worldwide celebration of International Men's Day 2011 should contact Mr. Cody sending an email to : joelcody@hotmail.com.
For information on the International Day of 2,011, please visit their site website at www.international-men-day.com.
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