Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Love: only he can, in fact, to humanize sexuality. However, nowadays the term is enveloped in a complex confusion in its meaning and understanding. Many have just reduced the size of erotic pleasure and specificity. It is true that this word also includes this dimension, however, the locks are not just in this expression.
Love - in the sense Agape (Greek: Agape) - mean specific capacity to be in favor of another, looking for proper interaction with the truth of it. And that should also be applied to the human conception / erotic Love, therefore, to be true, it may not have selfishness as the only driving force. Love is not limited to the use of others as objects of sexual gratification. He can not allow the use of a momentary and disposable "human person" through commitment and irresponsible adventure. True love involves commitment.
We are accustomed to hearing the cries of a company, which raised the maximum power the need to satisfy their own desires and instincts at any cost, thus transmuting the value of the person and placing it in the background. Within this universe of understanding what matters is to satisfy the want, no matter if the other is used as a mere "game" for a few moments, then were released into the hands of fate.
who truly loves is capable of taking the other fully, with all its consequences, not wanting to use it just for a superficial satisfaction.
Love becomes human sexuality, generating a commitment - which has its highest expression in sacramental marriage - and good, necessary for proper interaction happens, pointing to the other end and not as means. The human being has an inviolable dignity, he is person and should never be reduced to the category of object.
Love brings color and flavor to life, he opens a spring effect to any and every relationship.
The virtue to which we are called is to cover people and relationships from the perspective of true love. So sincere donation will inspire our view of the good attitudes and we will be raising its highest and true condition: the beloved son, loved and respected by God.
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