A astronomer or astrophysicist is a scientific whose area of \u200b\u200bresearch is astronomy or astrophysics .
The astronomy (the Greek : αστρονομία = άστρον + νόμος, etymologically the "law of the stars ") is the science that deals with the study of celestial bodies , their movements and the phenomena connected with them. His recording and investigation of their origin comes from the information that reaches them through electromagnetic radiation or any other means. Astronomy has been linked to humans since ancient times and all civilizations have had contact with science. Instruments of
To observe the sky and the best known constellations will not need any instruments to observe comets or nebulae are only needed some binoculars, large planets are to naked eye, but to observe details of the disks of solar system planets and their satellites over a single telescope is sufficient. If you want to look deeply and accurately certain characteristics of the stars, are required tools they need precision and technology of the latest scientific advances.
The Hubble Telescope was the first instrument of celestial observation. Although his invention is attributed to Hans Lippershey , the first to use this invention for astronomy, Galileo Galilei who decided to build himself one. Since that time, advances in this instrument have been very large and better lenses and advanced positioning systems.

Radio astronomy Radio astronomy is based on the observation by means of radio telescopes, some form of satellite instruments that collect and record the radio or electromagnetic radiation emitted by various celestial objects.

Infrared Astronomy
Much of astronomical radiation from space (the area between 1 and 1000μm) is absorbed in the atmosphere. For this reason, the largest telescopes of infrared radiation are built on top of very high mountains, are installed in high altitude special aircraft, balloon, or better yet, in Earth orbit satellites.
ultraviolet astronomy ultraviolet astronomy based on business in the detection and study of ultraviolet radiation emitted by celestial bodies. This field of study covers all fields of astronomy. The observations made by this method are very accurate and have made significant advances in the discovery of the composition of interstellar matter and intergalactic, on the periphery of the stars, the evolution of the interactions of double star systems and physical properties of quasars and other active stellar systems. In the satellite observations with the International Ultraviolet Explorer artificial , scholars discovered that the Milky Way is surrounded by an aura of high temperature gas. This device also measured the ultraviolet spectrum of a supernova born in the Large Magellanic Cloud in 1987. This spectrum was first used to observe the precursor of a supernova star.

X-ray Astronomy
The x-ray emission is believed to come from sources that contain matter at very high temperatures, usually in objects whose atoms or electrons have great energy. The discovery of the first source of x-rays from space in 1962 became a surprise. The source called Scorpio X-1 is located in the constellation Scorpius toward the center of the Milky Way . For this discovery Riccardo Giacconi received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2002.

gamma rays The are radiation emitted by celestial objects found in an extremely violent energy process. Some stars emit gamma-ray bursts or so-called BRGs . These are the most luminous physical phenomena in the universe producing a large amount of energy in short bundles of rays that can last from several seconds to a few hours. The explanation of these phenomena is still controversial.
phenomena gamma-ray emitters are often supernovae explosions , the study also attempts to clarify the origin of the first explosion of the universe or Big Bang .

The astrophysics is a modern part of astronomy that studies the stars and bodies of physics studying the composition, structure and evolution. It was only possible its inception in the nineteenth century when, thanks to spectra could determine the physical composition of the stars. The branches of physics involved in the study are nuclear (power generation within stars) and relativistic physics. A density elevated plasma becomes degenerate matter , this leads to some of the particles to acquire high speeds must be limited by the speed of light , which affect their conditions of degeneration. Also in the vicinity of very massive objects, neutron stars or black holes , the infalling matter is accelerated to relativistic velocities by emitting intense radiation and forming powerful jets of matter .

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